Palma, Majorca

Total cost of a weekend break for two: Β£196.01

Athens, Greece

Total cost of a weekend break for two: Β£191.28

Prague, Czech Republic

Total cost of a weekend break for two: Β£182.05

Lisbon, Portugal

Total cost of a weekend break for two: Β£161.92

Krakow, Poland

Total cost of a weekend break for two: Β£160.55

Budapest, Hungary

Total cost of a weekend break for two: Β£156.82

Warsaw, Poland

Total cost of a weekend break for two: Β£153.54

Riga, Latvia

Total cost of a weekend break for two: Β£150.24

Vilnuis, Lithuania

Total cost of a weekend break for two: Β£139.48

Paphos, Cyprus

Total cost of a weekend break for two: Β£138.40