Limoncello Ice Box Cake – recipe

Lemon Icebox Cake was inspired by the classic pie. This silky, refrigerated cake has the popular filling made with lemon juice and sweet condensed milk.

300 Years-Old ancient Roman Baths Opens again in Italy

The fountains and surprise water jets of the Ninfeo degli Specchi, or Nymphaeum of Mirrors, are flowing once again - after 300 years.

Melon, Prosciutto & Mozarella Salad – Recipe

Fresh and prepared straight on to the serving platter, this melon ball and prosciutto salad is the perfect accompaniment to any festive meal...

Andrea Bocelli – Il Mare Calmo Della Sera

Listen to the best of Andrea Bocelli...

Italian Hazelnut Butterballs – recipe

These sugary, buttery, melt-in-your-mouth cookies are easy to make!

Rome Piazza Lights Up each time Baby is born

A public art project in Rome’s Piazza del Popolo celebrates the "universal event of birth",  the MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo.

Best Country to Stay & Live (LIFE IN ITALY)

See how Italy ranks in News Best Countries. photos, statistics and additional rankings.

Italian Rice-Stuffed Tomatoes

This flavorful first course can be served either hot or cold.

Spaghetti al Limone – Spaghetti with Lemon Sauce

In its simplest form, spaghetti al limone contains only lemons, olive oil, parmesan, salt, pepper, and a few leaves of fresh basil in an uncooked sauce!

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The 5 Best Italian Wines you must Try

Italy is one of the best countries in the world for wine, but how do you know how to choose a good one? Here are 5 Italian wines sure to dazzle ...

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