106-Year-Old-Grandfather Breaks the World Record

106-year-old Jack Reynolds, a great-great-grandfather, recently broke the Guinness World Record for the oldest person to ride a zip line.

Italy, the Most Stylish Country in The World for 2019

The world over, people are talking about the latest trends and styles and the globe's top fashion designers are showing off their latest creations...

Ancient Lovers in Italy found together after 6,000 Years – True Love Never Dies

There they lay, in each other’s arms, locked in an eternal embrace, till the end of time.

Sfogliatelle Santa Rosa – How to make Easy Sfogliatelle

Have you ever wondered how this wonderful “Sweet or Dolce” is made?

Top 10 Best Airlines in Europe, (ranked)

Did you know which is the the best Airline company in 2018? Here is list of Top 10 Best and Most Famous Airlines in Europe for 2018 ranking...

Map Shows how many Roads Actually Lead to Rome

All roads lead to Rome :-)

107-Year-Old Woman Says Avoiding Men is the Secret to Living So Long

An 105-year-old woman, who lived through both world wars, has revealed her secret to longevity was to say single.

You Can Retire in Italy and Not Pay Taxes for 10 Years

The project aims to repopulate rapidly declining regions in Italy!

ROME – a City of Magic & marvellous Fountains 😍

Top 10 Places to See in Rome (with Photos & Map)...

7 Medieval Restaurants Around The World That Still Operating Today

More than ratings and reviews, longevity is a reliable judge of a restaurant's worth, which is why we researched the oldest restaurants in the World ...

Welcome to Italy

Top 10 Most Beautiful Italian Women (2020)

Italy is well-known for the beautiful people and especially women. Here are the list wiht the most beautiful women and frmale Celebrities in Italy.

Best of Italy

Top 10 List