Woman dead, shepherd missing as Storms batter Sardinia

Dozens evacuated from homes, roads closed

Sardinia Bridge Collapses as Storms and Floods hit Western Italy, …One Woman was reported...

The Italian island of Sardinia and parts of Liguria were on maximum red alert on Thursday as storms swept across Italy's western coasts.

Bridge COLLAPSES in Italy (Genoa): DOZENS of People have been Killed – 14th August...

A BRIDGE on one of Italy's busiest motorways (near Geonova) has collapsed, killing "dozens" of people who fell 100 metres above the ground.

Heatwave Alert (41°C) for Rome, Italy

Rome City (Roma) has been added to the Italian health ministry's list of cities on alert due to the ongoing heatwave and high temperatures...

Extreme Heatwave in Italy, with 40°C (106F)!

It's about to get even hotter in Italy!

Welcome to Italy

Last Christmas Song (Wham) goes No1 for the first Time after...

Wham!'s Last Christmas has topped the UK singles chart for the first time, 36 years after it was first released.

Best of Italy

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