Map shows which Country Works the most hours

Jakub Marian has created a map that shows how many hours per week every country in Europe works. Greece's & Italy's ranking might surprise you.

Map shows Highest Temperatures in The World

A WORLD heat map shows temperatures across the planet.,.

The 10 Most Dangerous Roads on The Planet

The world's top 10 most dangerous roads. From the Italy's Stelvio Pass to Bolivia's Highway of Death, these are the frightening, dangerous & deadly roads.

Map shows the Longest straight Walk in The World

The longest-possible straight land path on Earth to walk upon!

Top 10 Best Tropical Beaches in The World

There isn't one perfect beach that would suit everybody but we've got to you a collection of the Best Tropical Beaches in the World.

ITALY named No1 most Beautiful Country in The World

Do you agree? What are the others? Share your opinion...

10 Most Dangerous Countries in The World

Will you dare to travel to countries that pose a serious threat to you and your loved ones? Here are the top 10 most dangerous countries for tourists...

Google autocomplete for “Why does …” for Europe Countries

Google gives you suggestions based on what other people are searching for. The following map shows the top suggestion for the question "Why does ...?"

Europe Weather sparks Warnings to over 48°C heatwaves

THE heatwave cooking Spai and Portugal could spread into the rest of countries of Europe, sparking wildfires, thunderstorms and even droughts.

The Highest heatwave Temperatures in the World (map)

The highest officially recorded temperature in the world is 56.7 °C (134.1 °F), which occurred on 10 July 1913 in Furnace Creek, California, USA.

Welcome to Italy

Limone sul Garda – the Italian Village where People Live to...

Limone is a popular tourist resort on the shore of Lake Garda, in north-east Italy. It lies at the mountainous northern end of Lake Garda and rocky cliffs!

Best of Italy

Top 10 List