Italy Celebrates Special Day for Women 8th March – “Festa della Donna” in Italy
The 8th of March is International Women’s Day and Italian men are going to celebrate it with the traditional gift of yellow mimosas to Italy’s lovely women.
This civil holiday was born as a political event, and over the course of years blended into the culture of many countries, and became a simply occasion for men to express their love to the women around them.Women’s Dayis remembered in honor of March 8, 1857 when a strike by workers in New York led to the formation of the first women’s union in the USA.
In 1945 the Union of Italian Women declared that this special date, March the 8th, should be set aside to celebrate womanhood across the country.What does happen in Italy on the 8th of March The symbol of the day is the yellow mimosa and expression of female solidarity. The origin of the custom is lost, but it is said to have started in Rome after World War II.
While men show all their love for women, society as a whole remembers the importance of women, their important contribute to the betterment of our society and their sacrifices, celebrates all their achievements.