Leonardo DiCaprio donates $15 Million to Protect Animals & The Planet
Leonardo DiCaprio has announced he will donate $15 million to environmental protection and conservation programs aimed at combating climate change.
The money will be donated through the foundation that bears the name of the Hollywood actor. The announcement was published on 17 October by the Ecoportal.
His foundation was designed with the idea of protecting the last wild places of the world and saving vulnerable wildlife from extinction. The actor states that “climate change is a reality and is happening now. It is the greatest danger that threatens humanity. “Today we are significantly expanding the level of our concessions. And our collaboration with strategic partners to address some of the most pressing climate problems.”
Since 1998 and to date, the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has funded more than 200 projects in 50 countries. Projects supporting 132 organizations, with donations worth $ 59 million invested in environmental protection.
According to the site mimorelia.com, with DiCaprio’s investment, species such as giraffes that are at risk of entering the list of endangered species can be protected. And thus, prevent the poaching from killing them.