Salami Bread – How to Make a Stuffed Bread (recipe)
Salami is a cured sausage consisting of fermented and air-dried meat, beef or pork. The word salami comes from the plural form of the Italian salame.
It is a singular or plural word in English for cured meats of a European style. he name may be derived from the Latin words “salsiccia” and “salumen”.
The word originates from the word sale (salt) with a termination (ame) that in Italian indicates a collective noun. Thus, it originally meant “all kinds of salted (meats)”.
The Italian tradition of cured meats includes several styles, and the word salame soon specifically meant only the most popular kind…— a salted and spiced meat, ground and extruded into an elongated, thin casing, then left to undergo natural fermentation for days, months, or even years.